
Posts Tagged ‘Gotu Kola’

Alveo should be a basic part of our preventive health program against majority of diseases and premature aging.

Alveo improves the function of Central Nervous System (CNS) by supporting blood circulation and the nutritional requirements of the brain.  It also improves the activity of neurontransmitters (chemicals which help to transmit nerve impulses), and has a calming effect.  The extracts that have the greatest effect in this area are ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, lavender, passionflower and blessed thistle.  The result is an improved memory, better concentration, an improved ability to adapt one’s mood (and in avoiding depressive moods), and deeper sleep.  CNS functions are important to support because the brain creates hormones that affect every other organ in the body. 

A healthy brain usually means a healthy body.  Alveo harmonizes the hormonal system by providing prohormones of phytosterol, plant hormones that activate your natural metabolism by working on the endocrine glands.  The main extracts utilized in this area are red clover, licorice, and alfalfa, as well as several others.  They are important to menstrual regularity, fertility in both genders and for moderating the symptoms of menopause.  These extracts also help to regulate blood sugar levels, helping to prevent diabetes and obesity.

Alveo also harmonizes the function of the immune system by adapting the capacity and mucous membranes of the alimentary tract, harmonizing the microbes in the large intestine and by boosting the Peyers patches; the cells of the immune system that surround the small intestine.  It helps food move through the intestines and has anti-inflammatory effects on the intestinal wall.  Baradykinase from aloe, tannins, pectins, chlorophyll and antibiotic substances are those parts of Alveo that are active here.  

Alveo helps the hormonal system create estrogen – an essential hormone even for men.  It also increases our resistance to stress by boosting the immune system and has detoxicative and diuretic effects that facilitate the function of the liver and kidneys.

Extracts from gingko biloba, licorice and alfalfa lead the way in fighting off autoimmune diseases (diseases where the body has an immune response to itself) such as psoriasis.  Extracts from Siberian ginseng, gingko biloba, red clover, licorice, horsetail, Chinese fo-ti-tieng, alfalfa and Korean ginseng also have a positive influence on the prevention of oncogenous diseases.

Alveo ensures the efficiency of vitamins in fighting increased levels of homocystein because by working on hormones it regulates the enzymes and the substances from which an organism creates these enzymes.   Alveo therefore operates at the earliest stages of the defect development, compared to most of today’s pharmaceutical products; which try to fix problem once it has already become major.

Alveo positively influences the activity of the digestive tract by improving the appetite and optimizing the amount and composition of the digestive system and biliary juices (in particular, decreasing the growth of the Helicobacter pylori using Irish moss extract, and thereby preventing ulcerative disorders of the stomach and the small intestine).  It also supports the activity and enzymatic set of the liver (this is where the organ sulphides and bitter extracts from the blessed thistle and yellow genitian come in), and by assisting the adaptation of enteric micro-flora, which provide anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-fungal effects, especially in the large intestine and the regulation of bowel movement (through extracts from aloe, licorice, red clover and thyme).

Alveo harmonizes blood circulation by improving heart activity (by utilizing Siberian ginseng, Korean ginseng, alfalfa, lavender, gotu kola and passionflower), improving blood clotting ability, expanding the blood vessels from the coronares to the capillaries (gingko biloba, cayenne and cinnamon operate here) and accelerating blood circulation.   In addition, Alveo supports blood cell creation because the immune system becomes more harmonized with the cytokine set-the cells which destroy alien proteins in the blood.

Alveo  stimulates and protects the respiratory system: it positively influences the depth and frequency of the breath (using yarrow and cayenne); and commensurate with your present condition it may moisten the airways and release mucus, Alveo aids the airways in their expansion and contraction, stimulating expulsion (blessed thistle, horsetail, fennel seed, licorice, Irish moss) and at the same time calming a dry cough (boneset and thyme).  By virtue of its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects.   Alveo leads to the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system.

Alveo harmonizes the musculoskeletal system: it releases tension in the muscles (ginseng, passionflower and guarana) and strengthens muscles that are flaccid and weakened.  By regulating muscle tension, it helps to protect ligaments and bones from stress due to contracted muscles (using Chinese fo-ti-tieng, cardamom and gotu kola).  It also improves the quality of articular cartilage – the anti-inflammatory effects from the extracts can assist in the prevention of rheumatism and arthritis, which are often a result from inflamed joint cartilage.


Until next time…Stay healthy



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Capsicum frutescens
A natural stimulant, cayenne seemingly aids circulatory function by feeding the necessary elements info the cell structure of the arteries, veins, and capillaries so that these regain some of the elasticity of youth, allowing the blood pressure to adjust itself to normal.  It also simulates the digestive system, and it has been used for treatment against stomachaches, cramps, gas, indigestion, loss of appetite, diarrhea and various fevers. Rich in carotenoids and vitamins C and E: these antioxidants are thought to protect against free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer.  Cayenne also appears to be useful in enhancing the activity of various immune systems.  Capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne, seems to be able to deaden painsensing nerves, even when the cause remains present.



Cinnamomum verum
Long coveted as a healing aid for stomach upset, heartburn and gas, chronic diarrhea, rheumatism, kidney ailments and abdominal pain cinnamon has been used by homeopathic medical practitioners for diarrhea, hemorrhage and cancerous tumors.  For years Asians have promoted its use against heart problems, dental pain and urinary problems, believing that can kill certain bacteria and fungi, improve digestion and help to regulate blood sugar.  Said to fortify the immune system, cinnamon has been used to stimulate the respiratory and circulatory system, alleviating bronchial coughs, relieve menstrual discomfort and calm the central nervous system.



Foeniculum vulgare
One of the oldest medical plants; fennel have reportedly been in use for over 4,000 years.  Alleged to stimulate the movement of food through the stomach and intestines, it is useful as a digestive aid, and seems to remedy mild spasms in the stomach and intestines, a feeling of fullness, and intestinal and gastric distress.  It also claims to have a calming effect on bronchitis and is a superb remedy for coughs and stubborn mucus.  In Asian medicine, fennel is recommended for instances of anemia, bloating, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, hernia, and skin diseases.



Polygonum multiflorum
This herb has been known and honored in Asia for centuries as a tonic for kidney and liver functions and it is believed to be a natural antioxidant and free-radical scavenger.  It has been shown that it has the ability to strengthen tendons, ligaments, bones, the lower back, and the knees.  It also has been reported to prevent premature aging, as well as being beneficial in decreasing blood sugar levels in diabetics, and can act as a natural diuretic.  High cholesterol, heart conditions, poor circulation, insomnia and chronic bronchitis are among all the conditions that Fo-Ti alleges to help.  Providing strength, resilience and stamina. Fo-Ti is usually recommended as a superior herb for athletes, offering increased energy while rejuvenating the body and acting as a natural anti-inflammatory.



Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba is the most powerful antioxidant known today and as such is said to help prevent degenerative conditions of the heart, arteries, eyes, ears and other organs, as well as shielding the brain from the effect of stress, toxins and aging.  For hundreds of years, traditional Chinese physicians have used ginkgo biloba to treat impotence.  It is thought that ginkgolides act by reducing inflammation around small airways in the lungs, and in doing so can offer some aid to asthma and allergy sufferers.  Ginkgo biloba is the most broad-spectrum medicine that is known today.  It contains so many different active ingredients that no single one of them can account for all of the extract’s healing powers.  Instead, they act synergistically – creating an overall effect that is greater than the sum of all of its parts.


gotu kolaGOTU KOLA
Centella asiatica
Rich in vitamins A, B, E, G, and K as well as magnesium, Gotu Kola has long been helpful in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, heart problems, dysentery, insomnia, eye conditions, exhaustion, inflammation, high blood pressure, diarrhea and problems with urination.  Often referred to as, “food for the brain”, taken on a regular basis, this herb has become known as the “key to longevity” in humans, and seems to be able to enhance intelligence and improve memory, increasing mental and physical power, combining stress and improving the reflexes.  Gotu kola nourishes the nervous system, especially the brain, boosting energy levels, helping to fight depression, and reducing sleep disorders. Contemporary Western herbalist have long cited the wound-healing actions of Gotu kola.



Paullinia cupana
Guarana figures prominently in the social and medicinal culture of the Amazonian Indians.  The seed of guarana has for hundred of years been uses as a general tonic and treatments for many ailments.  It holds fast to the claim that it has stimulating effect on the body, as well as having the ability to dispel pain.  Guarana has also developed the reputation of being somewhat of an aphrodisiac.  South Americans reportedly have used guarana to treat a long list of ailments such as: chronic or infectious diarrhea, headaches (including migraine), pain associated with rheumatism or menstruation, water retention (using as diuretic or “water pill”) and hence as an aid in weight loss, fever, malaria, heat stress and many other ailments.



To be continued…


Until next time…Stay Healthy


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