
Posts Tagged ‘obesity’

Alveo should be a basic part of our preventive health program against majority of diseases and premature aging.

Alveo improves the function of Central Nervous System (CNS) by supporting blood circulation and the nutritional requirements of the brain.  It also improves the activity of neurontransmitters (chemicals which help to transmit nerve impulses), and has a calming effect.  The extracts that have the greatest effect in this area are ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, lavender, passionflower and blessed thistle.  The result is an improved memory, better concentration, an improved ability to adapt one’s mood (and in avoiding depressive moods), and deeper sleep.  CNS functions are important to support because the brain creates hormones that affect every other organ in the body. 

A healthy brain usually means a healthy body.  Alveo harmonizes the hormonal system by providing prohormones of phytosterol, plant hormones that activate your natural metabolism by working on the endocrine glands.  The main extracts utilized in this area are red clover, licorice, and alfalfa, as well as several others.  They are important to menstrual regularity, fertility in both genders and for moderating the symptoms of menopause.  These extracts also help to regulate blood sugar levels, helping to prevent diabetes and obesity.

Alveo also harmonizes the function of the immune system by adapting the capacity and mucous membranes of the alimentary tract, harmonizing the microbes in the large intestine and by boosting the Peyers patches; the cells of the immune system that surround the small intestine.  It helps food move through the intestines and has anti-inflammatory effects on the intestinal wall.  Baradykinase from aloe, tannins, pectins, chlorophyll and antibiotic substances are those parts of Alveo that are active here.  

Alveo helps the hormonal system create estrogen – an essential hormone even for men.  It also increases our resistance to stress by boosting the immune system and has detoxicative and diuretic effects that facilitate the function of the liver and kidneys.

Extracts from gingko biloba, licorice and alfalfa lead the way in fighting off autoimmune diseases (diseases where the body has an immune response to itself) such as psoriasis.  Extracts from Siberian ginseng, gingko biloba, red clover, licorice, horsetail, Chinese fo-ti-tieng, alfalfa and Korean ginseng also have a positive influence on the prevention of oncogenous diseases.

Alveo ensures the efficiency of vitamins in fighting increased levels of homocystein because by working on hormones it regulates the enzymes and the substances from which an organism creates these enzymes.   Alveo therefore operates at the earliest stages of the defect development, compared to most of today’s pharmaceutical products; which try to fix problem once it has already become major.

Alveo positively influences the activity of the digestive tract by improving the appetite and optimizing the amount and composition of the digestive system and biliary juices (in particular, decreasing the growth of the Helicobacter pylori using Irish moss extract, and thereby preventing ulcerative disorders of the stomach and the small intestine).  It also supports the activity and enzymatic set of the liver (this is where the organ sulphides and bitter extracts from the blessed thistle and yellow genitian come in), and by assisting the adaptation of enteric micro-flora, which provide anti-bacterial, anti-virus and anti-fungal effects, especially in the large intestine and the regulation of bowel movement (through extracts from aloe, licorice, red clover and thyme).

Alveo harmonizes blood circulation by improving heart activity (by utilizing Siberian ginseng, Korean ginseng, alfalfa, lavender, gotu kola and passionflower), improving blood clotting ability, expanding the blood vessels from the coronares to the capillaries (gingko biloba, cayenne and cinnamon operate here) and accelerating blood circulation.   In addition, Alveo supports blood cell creation because the immune system becomes more harmonized with the cytokine set-the cells which destroy alien proteins in the blood.

Alveo  stimulates and protects the respiratory system: it positively influences the depth and frequency of the breath (using yarrow and cayenne); and commensurate with your present condition it may moisten the airways and release mucus, Alveo aids the airways in their expansion and contraction, stimulating expulsion (blessed thistle, horsetail, fennel seed, licorice, Irish moss) and at the same time calming a dry cough (boneset and thyme).  By virtue of its anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral effects.   Alveo leads to the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system.

Alveo harmonizes the musculoskeletal system: it releases tension in the muscles (ginseng, passionflower and guarana) and strengthens muscles that are flaccid and weakened.  By regulating muscle tension, it helps to protect ligaments and bones from stress due to contracted muscles (using Chinese fo-ti-tieng, cardamom and gotu kola).  It also improves the quality of articular cartilage – the anti-inflammatory effects from the extracts can assist in the prevention of rheumatism and arthritis, which are often a result from inflamed joint cartilage.


Until next time…Stay healthy



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Ten tips on how to eat well and live healthy:

1.   Do not eat until you are genuinely hungry.  When you are hungry our stomach will tell us that it needs food.  This means the stomach is empty from the previous meal and is ready to digest a new meal.  If you eat when you are not hungry or continually eat and mix semi digested foods with new ones, it will cause the mixture to stay in the stomach pouch for a longer time.  This causes purification and fermentation of foods leading to health problems.

2.   Do not over eat.  The stomach has a limited capacity for food and needs some space for mixing and digestion.  If it is completely full, it cannot function properly.  The stomach is located beneath heart, and when the stomach is full it expands and applies pressure on the heart.  The process leaves very little space for the heart to beat at its proper pace.  Too much pressure can cause the heart to palpitate or to beat at irregular intervals.  Always stop eating before you feel full.  It takes approximately 20 minutes for the stomach to let your brains know you are in fact full and that it is best at that time to stop eating.

3.   Take liquids before solids.  Foods that are less difficult to digest and require less time should be eaten first.  After the easier swallow food has been consumed, start with harder to chew foods that need more time for digestion.  The food, which is more solid and has the lower water content, should be taken after the food, which has highest water content.  Soup and vegetables should be taken before the main meal.

4.   Do not drink while you are eating.  Water, juices or carbonated drinks should not be taken with a meal as they dilute the stomach juices and enzymes and interrupt digestion process.  This causes gas, bloating, pain, constipation and toxicity of the whole body.  Undigested food goes into the intestines and then into the colon where it putrefies and ferments to create more gas and acid, which is then re-absorbed, into the bloodstream.  Water and all kinds of drinks can be taken half an hour before and about two hours after the meal.

5.   It is best to chew each bite of food 20-30 times.  Chewing food is a very important process in proper digestion.  Dieticians recommended chewing solid food to the extent.  This ensures for proper breakdown and causes the food to change to the more liquid for before making for a more simple digestion process.  Many problems and diseases are caused by not chewing food adequately.

6.   Do not mix different food groups together and try to eat a single food group at one time.  There are different groups of food in nature, for instance fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.  Most of the food we consume is complex, but in order to have better digestion it is best not mix proteins with carbohydrates or fats with proteins.  For example, the traditional North American dish of steak   and potatoes in not a good mixture for healthy digestion and nutrients absorption.  If a potato, which is carbohydrate, gets served with vegetables it makes an ideal food combination.   Carbohydrates and vegetables also make a good combination.  A proper combination of the right foods makes for over all healthy digestion.

7.   Do not eat any processed or manufactured foods.  Any food that has been altered by the process using heat or the adding of chemicals to preserve or add flavor or is vitamin enriched is not healthy to eat.  For example, white bread does not have any food value left in it nor do cold cuts which are full of chemicals and coloring.  All added chemicals are hazardous to your health.

8.   Add lots of fiber to your meals.  The human digestive system is a long tube which should be filled with a large amount of fibrous foods.  Fiber absorbs water and cleans the digestive track.  A lack of fibers in your diet causes many kinds of disorders and diseases; from constipation to cancer.

9.   Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.  Our body is made up of 65% to 70% of water.  Without an adequate amount of water, the body does not function optimally and there is a general lack of energy and concentration.  All nutrients and vitamins must be dissolved in water in order to be absorbed into the bloodstream.  The amount of water to be drink is based on the body weight of the individual; for each kilogram of weight, one ounce of water is needed.  Note that too much water is also not recommended as it flushes the nutrients out of your body. 

10.   Exercise.  Exercising makes the muscles strong and keeps the bones dense.  It stimulates the lymphatic system keeping the fluids moving so it works better at keeping us healthy.  Our lymphatic system is responsible for waste collection and immunity protection.  It does not have a pumping system like our bloodstream has to the heart; therefore, the speed of fluid movement is very low.  Regular exercise keeps the continual appellation of toxins through the lymphatic system removing them from the body.

Until next time… Stay healthy


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“We have to treat the causes of illnesses by cleaning and balancing our organism” – Dr. Sohrab Khoshbin

There are several organs that expulse invading toxins from our remarkable organism – the human body.  The most important role in this process belongs to the liver, which is responsible for all chemical activity in the body. In particular it is active in the processing of digested food.  The liver makes the most serious “decisions” in food absorption.  The most significant and remarkable organ has the capability to regenerate itself. I f we only had half of our liver, it would still be capable of performing all its function.

Liver has a very important role in our organism:

  •  Deprives the organism of toxic substances as well as from adverse fat in fried and chemically processed foods
  •  Fulfills 24 regular tasks
  •  The emotions such as anger, irritation or stress have a negative impact on liver activity

The other very important organ is the intestine, which escorts waste (the mass of sediments) from our body.  Our health depends, among other things, on regular elimination.  If sediments stay too long in our intestines, toxins are being created.  After time they get into our bloodstream which results in the poisoning of the organism.  This can lead to various illnesses such as migraine headaches or even cancer.

The kidneys also play an important role for toxin removal (in liquid form).  In Chinese medicine, the kidney is called “essence of life” which suggests our vital energy originates from this organ.  We can view the entire state of our organism functioning on the surface of our skin.  Skin blemishes and irregularities indicate that there are problems with digestion and toxicity.  Almost all skin illnesses originate from inside our organism and are signaled by various inflammations and eczemas.

The face is particularly revealing about our state of health.  Skin disorders on the upper lip give information about current stomach conditions and the lower lip points to adversities and intestines.  Blemishes found between the eyes alert to adverse conditions of the liver and stomach; if found on the tip of the nose, it can signal a heart problem.  The eyes are considered to be a reflection of the state of health of the body.

On the basis of iris research, many illnesses can be diagnosed, even in their initial stage before any symptoms are known.  The clarity of the eyes reveals the condition of the liver; if they are congested it means the liver is stressed with toxins.  If there are corners of the eye filled with veins it points to the heart being in less than optimum health.  If crusts appear in the corner of the eyes, it indicates that the liver is attempting to get rid of excessive amounts of fat.

It is necessary to observe the organism attentively because it informs us about all illnesses and balances disturbances so treatment can be administrated early before any serious damage occurs.  A traditional treatment of illnesses often depends on a successful elimination of symptoms.  This is only the suppression of the illness from an outside observance and only good for a short time period.  As the cause of illness is not clearly understood, it is difficult to be cured.  Ailments will continue and often in an intensive form.  It is necessary to look for a treat the cause and not only eliminate the effects.

As we know, the majority of civilization illnesses are the result of an improper way of life and excessive quantities of toxins in the organism; and to treat only the symptoms will never provide good results.  Alveo is an ideal herbal product that helps prevent inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are two kinds of Alveo: peppermint and grape.  Aside from being different flavors, there is no difference between the two.  Each will clean and nourish our organism, creating a balance.  Both of them contain the same herbs.  The Peppermint Alveo is better for people who have stomach problems, especially for those that suffer from an abnormal production of acids.  The juice from grapes could have stimulating affects; while the peppermint in an alleviative.

The causes of imbalances in the organism:

  •  Hypoxia of particular organs
  •  Environmental pollution
  •  Consumption of processed food containing chemical substances
  •  Toxic compounds in our organism
  •  Overeating
  •  Insufficient physical activity
  •  Shortage of vitamins and minerals
  •  Stress, intensity and concern
  •  Inability to relax

Alveo prevents illness and keeps the organism healthy because:

  •  It is natural
  •  Acts positively for the gastrointestinal tract (Siberian Ginseng, Alfalfa)
  •  Supports digestion processes and the absorption of nutrients (Cardamom, Passionflower, Peppermint)


To be continued…


Until next time…Stay healthy


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Equisetum arvense
Horsetail is said to be one of the oldest recorded plants on earth, discovered approximately 600 million years ago.  It is rich in the trace element silica which aids in the absorption of calcium, and is a basic element in the growth and repair of bone and tissue (strengthening bones, hair, nails and teeth).  Herbalists claim it is useful in the repair and regeneration of the damaged connective tissue disorders.  Another long standing use of horsetail has been as mild treatment in the prevention and treatment of kidney stone formation, bacterial and inflammatory disorders of the lower urinary tract, and as a diuretic.  Horsetail has been a traditional treatment for allergies, pulmonary tuberculosis, cystitis, kidney stones, water retention, fevers, eye diseases, gout and rheumatism.




Chondrus crispus
Harvested from the water off the European coast, Irish moss is actually a seaweed.  Rich in proteins, iodine and other substances, many herbalists also considers it is excellent “nutritive tonic”, and traditionally it has been prescribed for ulcers, dysentery (infectious diarrhea) and the other gastrointestinal disorders.  Contemporary herbalists consider it a valuable soothing agent (demulcent) for dry coughs, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other upper respiratory tract ailments.  It is also thought to help in the treatment and alleviation of peptic and duodenal ulcers.  Considered to have anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, blood-pressure lowering, and other potentially beneficial properties, Irish moss is also thought to have healing properties beneficial in treating ulcers and other problems relating to the digestive system.




Lavandula angustifolia
In an age of extremes lavender is essentially able to produce a balancing and harmonizing effect, by having a pronounced regulating effect on the nervous system.  Stress has long been known to deplete the immune system, and can be the cause, or the precipitating agent, for all types of illness and disease.  With this in mind, lavender is thought to have a restorative effect in cases of a weakened nervous system and have a calming effect on those prone to be stressed or agitated.  For years herbalists have used the calming effects of lavender to treat nervousness, anxiety, worry and depression.  Lavender is used as a symptomatic treatment of stress-related conditions.  It has been used for insomnia, headaches, and immune as well as digestive problems.




Glycyrrhiza glabra
Long ago, in China, licorice acquired the name of “The Great Detoxifier”.  They believed that continuous consumption of licorice root would help to rid the body of poisons and could contribute to the body’s blood building efforts.  It has since been used in many Chinese prescriptions treating dry coughs and lung disorders, asthma, sore throats, laryngitis, ulcers, as well as inflammation of the urinary and intestinal tracts.  It is sad that licorice root increases vital energy, and that it is able to strengthen digestive and metabolic function.  It is believed that licorice root “harmonizes” the ingredients in an herbal formulation and eliminates any harshness, thus promoting smooth activity of the herbs.  Licorice is useful in the treatment of peptic ulcers, abdominal colic, stomach inflammation, colitis, and has been used as an expectorant in cases of bronchitis.



panax ginseng

Panax ginseng
People have long used ginseng in their health practices, claiming it has the power to balance one’s energy.  It appears to have the quality to help regulate and strengthen body functions, improving metabolism, increasing both immune system resistance and respiratory performance.  Extracts from this herb have been used to provide a mental stimulant, thought to improve memory and cognitive power, and many claim that with regular use it can often reverse mental deterioration.  It can also lessen the effects of menopause.  Among its many uses, Panax ginseng is beneficial in treating fatigue, providing increased physical energy, increasing metabolism, fastening recovery from illness and surgery, and empowering its users with an increased alertness and power of concentration, as well as instilling a general sense of well-being and vitality.




Passiflora incarnate
Passionflower has found worldwide acclaim in the reduction of nervous tension, alleviating irritability and anxiety, and lowering blood pressure.  It is also used to promote restful sleep.  As an antispasmodic it has also been successfully used in the treatment of bronchial asthma.  Passionflower has an overall soothing and calming effect over the entire body, offering relief from stress and stress-related headaches and pain.  It has been employed in the treatment of muscle cramps, premenstrual tension, and disturbances often associated with menopause.





Trifolium pratense
Red clover is rich in isoflavones, including genistein and biochanin A (an antioxidant which protects against cells aging).  Used as an antibiotic, it has been used in fighting bacterial infections and dealing with kidney and liver diseases.  Over the years it has been tried with some success as a tumor and cancer remedy (for breast and prostate cancer in particular).  Red clover has also been used as a treatment for skin disorders, such as eczema and psoriasis, as it claims to cleanse the blood.  Herbalists also recommend red clover for reducing uncomfortable menopausal symptoms, and improving overall health, including its use as an expectorant to clear chest congestion caused by coughs, colds, asthma and bronchitis.



To be continued…


Until next time…Stay healthy


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Capsicum frutescens
A natural stimulant, cayenne seemingly aids circulatory function by feeding the necessary elements info the cell structure of the arteries, veins, and capillaries so that these regain some of the elasticity of youth, allowing the blood pressure to adjust itself to normal.  It also simulates the digestive system, and it has been used for treatment against stomachaches, cramps, gas, indigestion, loss of appetite, diarrhea and various fevers. Rich in carotenoids and vitamins C and E: these antioxidants are thought to protect against free radicals and reduce the risk of cancer.  Cayenne also appears to be useful in enhancing the activity of various immune systems.  Capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne, seems to be able to deaden painsensing nerves, even when the cause remains present.



Cinnamomum verum
Long coveted as a healing aid for stomach upset, heartburn and gas, chronic diarrhea, rheumatism, kidney ailments and abdominal pain cinnamon has been used by homeopathic medical practitioners for diarrhea, hemorrhage and cancerous tumors.  For years Asians have promoted its use against heart problems, dental pain and urinary problems, believing that can kill certain bacteria and fungi, improve digestion and help to regulate blood sugar.  Said to fortify the immune system, cinnamon has been used to stimulate the respiratory and circulatory system, alleviating bronchial coughs, relieve menstrual discomfort and calm the central nervous system.



Foeniculum vulgare
One of the oldest medical plants; fennel have reportedly been in use for over 4,000 years.  Alleged to stimulate the movement of food through the stomach and intestines, it is useful as a digestive aid, and seems to remedy mild spasms in the stomach and intestines, a feeling of fullness, and intestinal and gastric distress.  It also claims to have a calming effect on bronchitis and is a superb remedy for coughs and stubborn mucus.  In Asian medicine, fennel is recommended for instances of anemia, bloating, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, hernia, and skin diseases.



Polygonum multiflorum
This herb has been known and honored in Asia for centuries as a tonic for kidney and liver functions and it is believed to be a natural antioxidant and free-radical scavenger.  It has been shown that it has the ability to strengthen tendons, ligaments, bones, the lower back, and the knees.  It also has been reported to prevent premature aging, as well as being beneficial in decreasing blood sugar levels in diabetics, and can act as a natural diuretic.  High cholesterol, heart conditions, poor circulation, insomnia and chronic bronchitis are among all the conditions that Fo-Ti alleges to help.  Providing strength, resilience and stamina. Fo-Ti is usually recommended as a superior herb for athletes, offering increased energy while rejuvenating the body and acting as a natural anti-inflammatory.



Ginkgo biloba
Ginkgo biloba is the most powerful antioxidant known today and as such is said to help prevent degenerative conditions of the heart, arteries, eyes, ears and other organs, as well as shielding the brain from the effect of stress, toxins and aging.  For hundreds of years, traditional Chinese physicians have used ginkgo biloba to treat impotence.  It is thought that ginkgolides act by reducing inflammation around small airways in the lungs, and in doing so can offer some aid to asthma and allergy sufferers.  Ginkgo biloba is the most broad-spectrum medicine that is known today.  It contains so many different active ingredients that no single one of them can account for all of the extract’s healing powers.  Instead, they act synergistically – creating an overall effect that is greater than the sum of all of its parts.


gotu kolaGOTU KOLA
Centella asiatica
Rich in vitamins A, B, E, G, and K as well as magnesium, Gotu Kola has long been helpful in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, heart problems, dysentery, insomnia, eye conditions, exhaustion, inflammation, high blood pressure, diarrhea and problems with urination.  Often referred to as, “food for the brain”, taken on a regular basis, this herb has become known as the “key to longevity” in humans, and seems to be able to enhance intelligence and improve memory, increasing mental and physical power, combining stress and improving the reflexes.  Gotu kola nourishes the nervous system, especially the brain, boosting energy levels, helping to fight depression, and reducing sleep disorders. Contemporary Western herbalist have long cited the wound-healing actions of Gotu kola.



Paullinia cupana
Guarana figures prominently in the social and medicinal culture of the Amazonian Indians.  The seed of guarana has for hundred of years been uses as a general tonic and treatments for many ailments.  It holds fast to the claim that it has stimulating effect on the body, as well as having the ability to dispel pain.  Guarana has also developed the reputation of being somewhat of an aphrodisiac.  South Americans reportedly have used guarana to treat a long list of ailments such as: chronic or infectious diarrhea, headaches (including migraine), pain associated with rheumatism or menstruation, water retention (using as diuretic or “water pill”) and hence as an aid in weight loss, fever, malaria, heat stress and many other ailments.



To be continued…


Until next time…Stay Healthy


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Alveo is a blend of 26 herbs renowned for their extraordinary healing and strengthening properties.  These herbs have been widely used and their benefits documented for thousands of years.  Although, each ingredient has been chosen specifically for its role in the Alveo formulation, it is how they work synergistically that gives Alveo its potency.  The combination and unparalleled quality and quantity of each ingredient used in Alveo formulation ensures optimal benefit for you.

The information about the effects of some herbs has been derived from the sources and bases of independent experts, as well as from special literature and technological resources.



Medicago sativa
Alfalfa leaves are rich in the green plant pigment known as chlorophyll, as well as protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, and hence has been nicknamed as the, “Father Of All Foods”.  It has developed a reputation as a natural body cleaner, infection fighter and deodorizer.  High in fiber, alfalfa also contains eight essential amino acids.  Alfalfa is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, sulfur, sodium, potassium, chlorine and silicon, and is a good source of vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, K, and E. Traditionally, alfalfa has been used as a herbal remedy in the treatment of arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and is thought to have a cholesterol-lowering effect.  It seems to alleviate asthma and other allergies.  It may act as a preventive against cancer, and appears to be able to regulate high blood pressure.



Aloe vera
Aloe has played a role in herbal medicine since 4th century BC, when it was externally applied to heal wounds, bruises and skin irritations.  An extract taken from the leaf was used internally as a tonic, purgative and jaundice remedy.  Modern medicine is consistently finding new users for aloe – for example: the fresh juice can be employed as a salve in the treatment of burns, sunburns and insect bites.  Aloe has been commonly used as a remedy for indigestion, hardening of the arteries, diabetes, menstrual problems, infections, tumors, skin diseases, water retention, in the alleviation of arthritis and as a cleanser for the liver, kidneys, spleen and bladder.



Fucus vesiculosus
Harvested from the oceans, bladderwrack is a seaweed. It contains both iodine and carotene which are necessary for proper thyroid function. Herbalists tend to agree that bladderwrack is effective in the treatment of an underactive thyroid gland, and is also useful in the treatment of goiter. Where obesity is associated with thyroid trouble, this herb is thought to be helpful in reducing excess weight. Bladderwrack is reputed to be helpful in the relief of rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of the bladder, and as a remedy for high cholesterol and hardening of the arteries.



Blessed thystle 2

Cnicus benedictus
Throughout the years blessed thistle has developed the reputation of being a bit of a cure-all and a potent anti-inflammatory, and it was even believed to have fought off the “great plague” in Europe.  It claims to have an ability to lower fever, dissolve blood clots, control bleeding, and reduce rheumatic pain.  It has also long been esteemed for controlling menstrual pain and regular menstrual cycle.  Also believed to offer relief for those suffering from headaches and migraines.  Blessed thistle seems to be genuinely useful in aiding digestive problems, aiding poor digestion (especially in the breaking down of fats), and revitalizing a sluggish liver.  Blessed thistle also seems helpful in alleviating stress and depression, strengthening the heart, healing a liver, and improving circulation.



Eupatorium perfoliatum
The American Indians introduced the use of boneset to the early settlers for the treatment of colds, influenza, rheumatism, indigestion, constipation, and all kind of fevers.  There is a suggestion that boneset has the ability to rev up the immune system in response to infection and can clear the upper respiratory tract of mucus congestion, offering relief from colds and flu.  There is supporting evidence that as an anti-inflammatory, boneset lends itself to the treatment of arthritis and the possibility that the immune stimulants in boneset may have anti-cancer attributes.




Elettaria cardamomum
For a centuries as a spice, cardamom is native to southern India and Sri Lanka, and is also grown in southeastern Asia and Guatemala.  Currently believed to be useful in the treatment of stomach problems, cardamom seems to improve the flow of bile out of the gallbladder, thereby preventing viruses from multiplying.  Herbalists also find cardamom useful against asthma, hemorrhoids, and bad breath, as well as beneficial in strengthening the body.



To be continued…


Until next time…Stay healthy


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kostWhat does all this have to do with inflammation?

Blood sugar is controlled in a very narrow range.  Extra sugar molecules attach to a variety of proteins that in turn injure the blood vessel walls.  This is what I refer to as repeated injury to the blood vessel wall and this is what leads to inflammation.  When you “spike” your blood sugar level several times a day, every day, it is exactly like taking sandpaper and sanding down the walls of your delicate blood vessels.

But for now, let’s go back to the sweet roll: That innocent looking goody not only contains sugars, it is also baked in one of many omega-6 oils such as soybean.
Chips and fries are also soaked in soybean oil; processed foods are manufactured with omega-6 oils for longer shelf life. While omega-6s are essential to the human body as they are part of every cell membrane, controlling what goes in and out of the cell — they must be present in direct correlation and balance to the omega-3s.

If this balance shifts due to excess consumption of omega-6s, the cell membrane produces chemicals called cytokines that directly cause inflammation. Today’s mainstream western diet has produced an extreme imbalance of these two fats.  The ratio of imbalance ranges from 15:1 to as high as 30:1 in favor of the omega-6s.  That’s a tremendous amount of cytokines causing inflammation.  In today’s food environment, a 3:1 ratio would be optimal and healthy.

To make matters worse, the excess weight you acquire from eating these foods creates an overload of fat cells that in turn produce large quantities of pro-inflammatory chemicals adding to the injury which your body is already enduring.  The process that began with what seemed as an innocent sweet roll turns into a vicious cycle which over time creates heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and finally, as the inflammatory process continues unabated – Alzheimer disease.

Who would willfully expose him/herself repeatedly to harmful foods and other substances that are known to cause injury to our bodies?   Only smokers perhaps, but they made their choice willfully.  The rest of us are simply following the mainstream dietary recommendations and consuming foods that are low in fat and high in polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrates, completely oblivious to the fact that we are indeed causing repeated injury to our blood vessels. 

It is this repeated injury that creates the chronic inflammation leading to heart disease, stroke, diabetes and obesity. 

Let me repeat that: the injury, and subsequently, the inflammation in our blood vessels are caused by the low fat diet that has been recommended for years by mainstream medicine.

My recommendations:

  • Choose complex carbohydrates such as colorful fruits and vegetables.
  • Eliminate or at least cut down on the inflammation-causing omega-6 fats like corn and soybean oil and the processed foods that are made from them. Animal fats contain less than 20% omega-6s and are much less likely to cause inflammation than the supposedly “healthy polyunsaturated oils”.  The belief that saturated fat alone causes heart disease is just that: a belief and not a fact.  Actually the belief that saturated fat raises blood cholesterol at all is fairly weak itself.  Today, we now know that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, and therefore any concern about saturated fats simply sounds absurd.  As absurd as the fact that the whole cholesterol theory led to the no-fat/low-fat recommendations that in turn created the very foods which are currently causing the epidemic of inflammation.  We are now facing an epidemic of arterial inflammation leading to heart disease and other silent killers.
  • Choose the wholesome foods your grandmother served and not those of your mother which came from grocery shelves filled with manufactured and processed foods.  By eliminating inflammatory foods and adding essential nutrients from fresh unprocessed food to your diet, you can reverse the damage caused to your arteries and your body.
  • Choose AKUNA products to help eliminate and prevent inflammation and future disease and use them daily.  The ingredients in all Akuna products are natural; this means that our bodies can digest them in the correct physiological forms and many of the ingredients are also well known for their ability to eliminate toxins from the body.  In my naturopathic practice I have had unparalleled results with the Akuna products therefore I recommend regular use of Alveo and Take Plaster at the least.  However, if you have access to other Akuna products such as Onyx Plus, MasterVit, Pinky or Cleanse Plus, I also recommend the regular use of those.
  • Improve the quality of life for your children as well by improving their diets.

There is no escaping the fact that as we continue consuming prepared and processed foods, the more we expose ourselves to the risk and dangers of inflammation.  The human body cannot process, nor was it ever designed to process foods packed with sugars and soaked in omega-6 oils.  There is but one answer to quieting inflammation, and that is to return to consuming food close to its natural state.

With great health – Dr. Jaromir Bertlik

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